

How a Car Crash Could Cause Victims to Suffer Burn Injuries

putting bandages on burn injuryThere are many injuries that are more likely to happen in a car crash other than a burn injury. However, when a burn injury occurs, it could be severe and require extensive medical care.

Crash victims who suffered burn injuries should strongly consider seeking help from an experienced attorney. Talking to a licensed Bloomington car accident lawyer can be an important part of the recovery process. The insurance company may try to deny or underpay your claim. Unless you have an experienced attorney representing you, it may be quite difficult to secure the compensation you need.

At TSR Injury Law, we have secured compensation for a variety of car crash injuries. We know how to build a strong case and manage each step of the legal process. Our services do not come with any upfront cost. The initial legal consultation is also free.

Need legal help? Contact TSR Injury Law: (612) TSR-TIME.

Seeking Compensation After a Burn Injury

If you were burned in a car crash, immediate medical treatment is the most important thing. Immediate treatment could be vital in preventing an infection and can lessen permanent disfigurement. In some cases, immediate treatment may also shorten your recovery time.

Immediate treatment also helps to link your injuries to the car crash. If you went right to the hospital from the scene, it is harder to argue your injuries were not caused by the crash.

Burn injuries could result in long-term nerve damage, may require extensive future plastic surgery expenses and are often hard to evaluate by insurance companies. This is particularly true when victims seek compensation on their own.  It is helpful to have prior cases with similar just verdicts or settlements to help an insurance company understand the true value of these injuries.

Reasons for Car Crash Burn Injuries

There are various reasons why a car crash could cause burn injuries. Some of the injuries suffered may include thermal, electrical or inhalation burns.

Airbag Burns

When the airbags deploy occupants could burn their faces or arms. When an airbag deploys, you might breathe in harmful chemicals.

Fire or Explosion

In a severe car crash, there could be a fire or even an explosion on impact. Even if vehicle occupants do not come into direct contact with the flames, they could suffer burns.

A fire or explosion can release smoke and fumes from toxic chemicals that vehicle occupants could breathe in. This could result in inhalation burns.

Damaged Wiring

It may also be possible to suffer electrical burns from damaged wiring in a vehicle or from downed utility poles.

One of the reasons why some crash victims suffer severe burns is because they get trapped in their vehicles. They may also have body parts contact fire or excessive heat while trying to get out of their vehicles.

Severity of Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are categorized by degree. First-degree burns are the least severe and fourth-degree burns are the most severe.

  • First-degree burns – These only affect the outer layer of skin and are sometimes called superficial burns. The site of the burn is often red. The skin may also become dry and start to peel as the burn heals. It usually takes just seven to 10 days for a first-degree burn to heal. Although these burns often heal on their own, you should see a doctor if the burn affects more than three inches of skin and if the burn is on a major joint (knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow).
  • Second-degree burns – These burns go beyond the top layer of skin and cause blistering. The site of the burn may be extremely sore. The more severe the burn the longer it will take to heal. In some cases, victims may need skin grafts to repair the damage.
  • Third-degree burns – These burns go through all the layers of the skin. The burn damages the skin, causing it to become charred and leathery. Despite the seriousness of the injury, it might not be painful because the burn may have damaged nerves.
  • Fourth-degree burns – A fourth-degree burn goes through the skin and tissue below that, potentially reaching the muscle and bone. Victims lose feeling in the area because the nerve endings got destroyed.

Complications From a Burn Injury

One of the main reasons burn injuries can be so severe is that victims could suffer a variety of complications that make recovery much more difficult. For example, you could suffer an infection. If bacteria from an infection enters the bloodstream it could cause sepsis, which could be fatal.

Sometimes burns that cover a large amount of skin can impair the body’s ability to regulate temperature. This can result in hypothermia.

Fourth-degree burns could cause muscles and/or tendons to shrink and tighten up, which can impair mobility in the air.

Victims need to seek treatment right away and keep up with it so doctors have the best chance to prevent infections and other complications that could potentially threaten the victim’s life. Surgery is often necessary to help prevent permanent scarring and contracture from a third or fourth-degree burn.

Contact TSR Injury Law to Discuss a Vehicle Crash Claim

Have you been injured in a vehicle crash caused by negligence?

You should consider seeking help from an experienced attorney. If you are not represented by an experienced attorney, the insurance company may be less likely to offer you full compensation.

Free initial consultation to discuss your crash. Call (612) TSR-TIME.

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