



N.R. suffered a severe, traumatic brain while under the care of a commercial daycare provider. She is believed to have been shaken while at the daycare by one of the workers. There were no cameras at the daycare to show what occurred. When she was picked up by her parent, she seemed lethargic and a police investigation ensued, and it was narrowed down to two workers that cared for her that day as being the cause of what occurred. Neither would admit that anything unusual occurred. Medical doctors confirmed this type of brain injury usually only occurs in the event a child is shaken. Partner Rich Ruohonen is well-known for representing children who are injured as a result of daycare provider negligence and was hired to represent N.R. He was able to secure a $1,000,000 settlement for N.R. Although N.R. still has ongoing effects from the traumatic brain injury, N.R. has improved far better than ever expected and should lead a normal life.

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