

Food Poisoning Passes from Mother to Newborn

A newborn became sick after acquiring a type of E. coli from his mother as she was delivering him. This is a bacterium that is associated with food poisoning.

The mother had acquired a strain of E. coli that produces what is called the shiga toxin. This is a toxic substance that can cause kidney failure and diarrhea.

While the mother was asymptomatic, the boy began vomiting two days after he was born. This resulted in the development of seizures and kidney failure. He was then diagnosed by a condition caused by the shiga toxin called hemolytic uremic syndrome.

Stool samples from both the infant and mother showed that they had the same shiga toxin strain and this is the first time it had been known to cause disease in people, which is why the mother carried it without showing symptoms. However, it did pass to the gut of her newborn baby, which is to remain germ free until birth. Due to lack of competition from other bacteria, the bug was able to proliferate in the sterile environment.

It is not certain how the mother acquired this particular strain of E. coli. It can be spread through uncooked meat, raw milk, contaminated produce, or direct contact with an infected animal. However, it has been known to spread in other ways, such as person-to-person, especially through daycare facilities due to fecal contamination. This is according to an infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota, Dr. James Johnson.

Currently, there have only been a few cases of mothers passing shiga toxin on to their newborn babies. The first time it was reported was in France in 2005.

The other types of bacteria that tend to pass from mother to child during birth include group B streptococcus and herpes, according to Johnson.

If you unknowingly consume a product that is contaminated with E Coli, you may be eligible for financial compensation. To find out if you have a case, contact the Minneapolis personal injury attorneys at TSR Injury Law today for a free consultation. Ph: (612) TSR-TIME.

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