Eight Common Causes of Head-On Collisions and How to Avoid Them

image shows smashed-in front end of a black SUV in snowHead-on collisions rank among the most devastating traffic incidents on Minnesota roads, often resulting in life-altering injuries or fatalities. These crashes, while less common than other types of car crashes, have a significantly higher fatality rate when they occur.

This guide explores the eight most common causes of head-on collisions in Minneapolis and surrounding areas, from distracted driving to adverse weather conditions. We will also provide proven prevention strategies that could help keep you and your loved ones safe on Twin Cities highways and local roads.

At TSR Injury Law, our experienced Minneapolis car crash attorneys have helped countless Minnesota families recover compensation after devastating head-on collisions. If you or a family member has been injured in a head-on crash, our Minneapolis legal team can help you understand your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Request a FREE, no-risk case review today. Call: (612) TSR-TIME

What Makes Head-On Collisions So Dangerous?

Head-on collisions unleash devastating force when two vehicles crash directly into each other at combined speeds. The impact doubles when a car traveling 45 mph collides with another vehicle moving at the same speed, creating a 90-mph collision that crushes the front ends of both vehicles and endangers everyone inside.

These violent crashes leave drivers and passengers vulnerable to life-altering injuries, including traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), spinal cord trauma, and internal organ damage. The forward momentum often traps victims inside mangled vehicles, making it harder for emergency responders to provide life-saving care in those critical first minutes after impact.

Eight Common Causes of Head-on Collisions

Smart drivers already know their safety depends on the choices they make behind the wheel. By recognizing these eight high-risk behaviors, you can take more control of your safety and help prevent one of the deadliest types of crashes on our roads:

Distracted Driving: The Modern Epidemic

A moment’s distraction to check a message or adjust your GPS can send your vehicle drifting across the centerline at highway speeds. These seemingly minor distractions account for a shocking number of head-on crashes, leaving victims with catastrophic and fatal injuries.

Drivers Impaired by Alcohol and Other Substances

Alcohol and drugs severely impair depth perception and reaction time, causing drivers to weave between lanes or drift into oncoming traffic. These preventable crashes often result in fatal injuries to innocent motorists.

Driver Fatigue and Drowsiness

Exhausted drivers experience dangerous “microsleep” episodes that can send vehicles across centerlines without warning. These crashes often occur at highway speeds, leaving families devastated and survivors facing lengthy recoveries.

Unsafe Passing Maneuvers Can Cause Drivers to Lose Control

Poor judgment when passing other vehicles on two-lane roads forces oncoming drivers into impossible situations. These high-speed crashes usually result in multiple victims with life-threatening or fatal injuries.

Poor Weather Conditions: When Drivers Fail to Adjust

Driving too fast on wet or icy roads can send vehicles sliding into oncoming lanes without warning. These crashes are especially dangerous because multiple vehicles often become involved, causing a chain reaction collision.

Confused Drivers and How It Can Lead to Wrong-Way Driving

Disoriented drivers who enter highways in the wrong direction create terrifying situations for other motorists. These crashes typically occur at full highway speeds, leading to catastrophic outcomes.

Speeding and How It Increases a Driver’s Inability to Maintain Control

Excessive speed reduces crucial reaction time and makes vehicles harder to control on curves or during emergency maneuvers. When crashes occur at high speeds, the force of impact often proves deadly.

Unexpected Vehicle Malfunctions

Sudden tire blowouts or brake failures can send vehicles careening into oncoming traffic without warning. While some mechanical failures are truly unexpected, many result from neglected maintenance that vehicle owners could have prevented.

Key Defensive Maneuvers to Avoid Head-On Collisions

While you cannot control other drivers’ actions, you can significantly improve your chances of avoiding a head-on collision by practicing these proven defensive driving techniques:

  • Scan the Road: Stay alert and looking far ahead. Watch for erratic driving patterns in oncoming traffic, like veering, inconsistent speeds or swerving. This gives you vital extra seconds to plan your escape route.
  • Position Your Vehicle: Keep your vehicle slightly right in your lane whenever possible, especially on rural roads at night. This simple adjustment creates extra space and time to react if an oncoming driver crosses the centerline.
  • Identify Your Escape Path: Mentally go through this process before you need it. Continuously be mindful of road shoulders you may be able to use. Similarly, watch out for side ditches and adjacent lanes. Know your options in advance as this can help you react quickly in an emergency.
  • Reduce Your Speed: Slow down immediately when you spot potential hazards like an oncoming car drifting in its lane or erratic driving behavior. Lower speeds help you maintain control of your vehicle while giving you more time and space to take evasive action.
  • Stay Focused During Low Visibility: When you face reduced visibility situations, like fog or other inclement weather, adjust your speed and focus on the white line on the right side of your lane. Be careful not to get distracted by oncoming headlights.

Your Legal Options After a Head-On Crash You Did Not Cause

A head-on collision shatters lives in seconds, leaving victims facing mounting medical bills, lost wages and an uncertain future.

At TSR Injury Law, we have helped hundreds of Minneapolis crash victims rebuild their lives by holding negligent drivers accountable and fighting back against insurance companies that try to minimize legitimate claims.

Never let the insurance company pressure you into accepting a quick settlement that fails to cover your long-term needs. Our team of highly qualified attorneys are skilled negotiators. We know how to prove liability in complex head-on collisions, and we will fight aggressively for every dollar you deserve.

Call our law offices to get started. We can discuss your situation and potential legal options in a completely free consultation. When we represent you, there are no upfront costs or fees to pay. We only get paid for our services if we win your case.

Experienced Minneapolis Lawyers. Proven Results. (612) TSR-TIME

How Medical Experts Help Link Injuries to a Minneapolis Car Crash

close up image of a medical professional's hand looking at an electronic chartCar crashes in Minneapolis can result in serious physical and emotional injuries. Victims from these incidents who intend to seek compensation for their damages will need to prove negligence led to the crash that caused their injuries. They must also be able to link the injuries and resulting damages to the crash that caused them.

In this blog, we will explain how medical experts play a significant role in linking injuries to a motor vehicle crash. We will cover how their evaluations and expert testimony help clarify the extent of your injuries and strengthen your case.

At TSR Injury Law, we collaborate closely with trusted medical professionals to build strong cases for our clients. Our experienced car crash lawyers in Minneapolis are committed to ensuring that the link between your injuries and the car crash that caused them is clear.

Call TSR Injury Law to request a FREE, no-risk case review today. (612) TSR-TIME

What Is a Medical Expert and When Would They Be Used in an Injury Case?

A medical expert is a healthcare professional with specialized knowledge in diagnosing and treating injuries. These individuals may be doctors, surgeons and other medical professionals with specialized knowledge who can provide professional assessments and judgements based on their experience and training.

Every collision resulting in an injury case is unique, and the testimony of a medical expert is not always needed. Their role is to provide clarity in situations, such as when the cause, extent or severity of your injuries is being challenged. Their testimony helps to prove and answer questions about your injuries, including how they are linked to the crash that caused them.

How Do Medical Experts Help to Prove Crash-Related Injuries?

The professional opinions and detailed evaluations medical experts provide help connect the dots between the motor vehicle collision and the harm you have suffered. They help prove crash-related injuries by:

  • Providing detailed medical assessments of the injuries sustained in the crash
  • Offering expert testimony on how the crash directly caused the injuries
  • Explaining the necessary treatment and potential long-term effects of the injuries
  • Clarifying the difference between crash-related injuries and pre-existing conditions

Evidence Medical Experts May Use to Link Your Injuries to a Crash

Medical experts may use a combination of the following types of medical evidence to help link the crash to your injuries. Solid evidence may include:

Medical Records and Reports

Records from doctors, emergency rooms and specialists provide detailed accounts of when and how your injuries were diagnosed after the collision and may include:

  • Emergency room records showing initial injury presentation
  • Ambulance/first responder reports describing immediate symptoms
  • MRI, X-ray, and other diagnostic imaging taken after the crash offer objective, concrete proof
  • Medical notes documenting the progression of symptoms
  • Treatment records showing consistent care for specific injuries
  • Lab results and blood work that indicate trauma

It is worth mentioning, that your entire medical history should not be open to the insurance company or the at-fault party’s legal team. At TSR Injury Law, we know to make sure only the relevant records are released for review.

Physical Evidence

Medical experts carefully examine the physical markers and trauma patterns from the crash scene and the victim’s body to establish a clear link between the collision and resulting injuries. Physical evidence may include:

  • Photographs of visible injuries taken after the crash
  • Documentation of bruising patterns that match the impact
  • Airbag deployment injuries consistent with crash dynamics
  • Seatbelt marks on the victim’s body indicating the force of impact
  • Other vehicle damage that corresponds to reported injuries

Timeline Analysis

To establish a strong causal connection between the crash and the victim’s injuries, medical experts conduct a thorough chronological review of the patient’s health records and symptoms. Analyzing the sequence of medical events from before and after the incident helps medical experts demonstrate how the crash directly impacted the victim’s physical well-being.

What Is the Benefit of Consulting With a Medical Expert in an Injury Claim?

Medical experts provide invaluable credibility and scientific support to injury claims by providing a professional analysis of medical records, diagnostic tests, and treatment plans. This assessment is essential for establishing that your injuries were not preexisting or caused by something else, but a direct result of the car crash.

During a personal injury lawsuit, medical experts also help simplify complex medical issues for the court. They can break down medical terms and treatments into clear, understandable language, making it easier for a jury or judge to grasp the seriousness of your injuries. Their testimony can strengthen your case, validate your medical records and significantly increase your chances of receiving full compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Need Legal Help After a Car Crash? TSR Injury Law Can Help!

If you were injured in a Minneapolis car crash due to another’s negligence, it is important to seek legal help as soon after the crash as possible.

At TSR Injury Law, we begin protecting your rights and legal interests from day one. Our law firm has the experience and resources to work with highly qualified medical professionals who can provide the expert testimony needed to link your injuries to the car crash that caused them.

Our team will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring your rights are protected and helping you secure the compensation you deserve. When our trusted law firm represents you, there are no upfront costs or fees to pay.

TSR Injury Law. We get results for you! Call: (612) TSR-TIME.

What Is Discovery in a Minneapolis Personal Injury Claim? 

image of a female attorney facing a male in a wheelchair. Image shows a back view of the injured man.After suffering an injury in Minneapolis, victims may feel overwhelmed and have a lot of valid questions about the legal process ahead. Personal injury victims often hear the term “discovery” in conversations but may not understand what it is or how this process affects their case.

This article explains the discovery process in Minnesota personal injury claims, including written interrogatories, document requests and depositions that can strengthen your case. We also explain how discovery works, what information is collected, and why this phase is essential for securing fair compensation for your damages.

At TSR Injury Law, our experienced Minneapolis personal injury attorneys are prepared to guide you through every step of the legal process, including discovery. We fight to protect your rights while building a compelling case on your behalf. Our legal team manages all aspects of discovery, from managing deadlines to shielding you from insurance company tactics, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

What Happens During the Discovery Phase?

Discovery forms the foundation of every personal injury claim in Minneapolis. This structured legal process enables both sides to gather and exchange critical information about your case. Your journey to compensation depends heavily on the evidence collected during this phase.

During discovery, your TSR injury lawyer collects evidence from many sources, including:

  • Relevant medical records
  • Photographs of the scene where you were injured
  • Pictures of your injuries
  • Statements from credible witnesses
  • Details from the police or accident report
  • Medical invoices and other bills directly resulting from the incident that injured you
  • Paystubs to demonstrate lost wages
  • Depositions of parties involved in the incident
  • Information from the insurance companies
  • And more.

This vital stage begins after filing your lawsuit but before trial proceedings start.

How Does the Discovery Process Work?

Written discovery launches the information-gathering phase. Your attorney sends the opposing legal team specific questions, called interrogatories, which must be answered under oath. These questions target crucial details about witness information, insurance coverage and the other driver’s account of the incident that resulted in your injuries.

Document requests follow the interrogatory phase. Your legal team demands relevant records, such as the other driver’s cell phone history, vehicle maintenance logs and employment files. These documents often reveal critical details that strengthen your case.

What Are the Key Phases of Discovery?

Understanding the key phases of discovery helps you know what to expect during your personal injury case. Your TSR attorney will guide you through each phase, gathering the evidence needed to support your claim.

Initial Disclosures

Both parties start by exchanging basic case information. This includes witness details, insurance policies and preliminary evidence about your injuries and damages.

Written Discovery

Your attorney sends formal questions (interrogatories) to the other party. These questions must be answered under oath, helping establish key facts about the incident that caused your injuries.

Document Exchange

Medical records, police reports and photos of the scene are also exchanged, and your legal team reviews these documents to further build your case for compensation.

Electronic Discovery

Cases today often involve digital evidence, such as text messages, emails and social media posts. This evidence might reveal key details about the incident that caused your injuries and other damages.

Medical Examinations

Your injuries must be thoroughly documented. This may include independent medical exams and an expert review of your medical records.

Final Phase

In the final phase of discovery, your attorney addresses any evidence disputes and prepares for settlement talks or trial. This phase sets the stage for resolving your claim.

What Are Depositions, and Why Do They Matter?

Depositions serve as face-to-face interviews conducted under oath. During these sessions, attorneys question witnesses, medical professionals and other involved parties while court reporters create word-for-word transcripts. Your testimony during deposition can significantly impact settlement negotiations.

Can Discovery Make or Break Your Case?

The short answer is yes since the information discovered during this process could significantly strengthen or weaken the outcome of a plaintiff’s case.

Thorough discovery work uncovers evidence that establishes fault. Here are some examples:

  • Cell phone records might reveal distracted driving
  • Employment documents could show the other driver operated their vehicle during work hours.
  • Medical records gathered through discovery discloses details about your injuries, including the diagnosis, your treatment and more.

Your TSR Injury Law attorney uses this evidence to build a compelling case for compensation to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

How Do Time Limits Affect Your Case?

Minnesota courts enforce strict discovery deadlines in personal injury cases. Missing these deadlines can damage your claim or lead to dismissal. Your TSR injury lawyer understands and manages all discovery deadlines and complex paperwork. This ensures timely responses while protecting your legal rights throughout the process.

How Do We Protect Your Rights During Discovery?

Insurance companies often use discovery to undermine claims. They may seek private medical records that are not relevant to the incident or your case. They may use these records to attempt to blame injuries on pre-existing conditions. Your TSR attorney shields you from invasive questioning and safeguards your privacy.

Your statements during discovery carry significant weight. Never provide information to insurance companies or opposing lawyers without your attorney present. A single misstep could jeopardize your right to fair compensation.

What Happens After Discovery?

Once discovery concludes, your case moves into its final phases. Your TSR attorney analyzes all gathered evidence to determine the next strategic steps – whether that means proceeding to mediation, beginning settlement negotiations, or preparing for trial.

Need Legal Help After an Injury? Call Our Trusted Minneapolis Law Firm Today

Understanding discovery can feel overwhelming when you are dealing with injuries and mounting medical bills. TSR Injury Law manages every aspect of your personal injury claim, including the complex discovery process. Our Minneapolis attorneys work diligently to gather the evidence needed to build a strong case for the compensation you deserve.

Schedule your free legal consultation with TSR Injury Law today. We handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay no upfront costs or attorney fees unless we secure compensation for your claim. Call us now to learn how we can help protect your rights during the discovery process and beyond.

Who May Be Liable if Hydroplaning Leads to a Minnesota Car Crash?

A car riding fast through a puddle creating a wave.Minnesota winters are harsh, often resulting in hazardous driving conditions, including those resulting from heavy rains or melting snow. Drivers who do not adjust to the changing weather may lose control of their vehicles and hydroplane. If you are injured in a hydroplaning car crash, it is important to understand who may be liable for your medical costs and other damages.  

If you were injured in a hydroplaning collision, we encourage you to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. At TSR Injury Law, our experienced Minneapolis car crash lawyers have decades of experience managing crash claims for injured victims, and we have a proven history of success. We fight hard to get you the results you deserve.  


Find out how we can help you. Call: (612)-TSR-TIME today for a FREE case review. 

What Is Hydroplaning? 

Hydroplaning happens when water forces your vehicle’s tires to lose contact with the road surface. This loss of traction happens when there is more water than your tires are capable of moving out of the way. This condition can cause vehicles to slide or skid, making steering difficult or impossible.  

Who May Be Liable for a Hydroplaning Collision in Minneapolis?  

While weather plays a significant role, the hydroplaning driver is often liable if a crash occurs. However, liability cannot be assumed, and there are several factors that must be considered. Under Minnesota law, multiple parties could be liable, or at least partially liable, for a crash resulting from hydroplaning, including: 

The Hydroplaning Driver  

Most hydroplaning crashes involve some degree of driver responsibility. Common driver-related factors include: 

  • Driving too fast for wet conditions 
  • Failing to maintain tires 
  • Ignoring visible road hazards 
  • Following other vehicles too closely 
  • Making sudden movements that reduce traction 
  • Operating a vehicle with faulty wipers or headlights 
  • Driving with underinflated or overinflated tires 

Minnesota law requires drivers to adjust their speed and driving behavior to match road conditions. Failure to do so might constitute negligence, making the driver liable for any resulting damages. 

Other Drivers  

Multiple vehicles often become involved in hydroplaning crashes. Contributing factors from other drivers include: 

  • Sudden braking causing following vehicles to lose control 
  • Unsafe passing in wet conditions 
  • Creating excessive spray that reduces visibility 
  • Failing to maintain proper following distance 
  • Making abrupt lane changes 
  • Driving without required lighting 

Government Entities  

State and local governments must maintain safe roadways. They might bear liability when poor road design or maintenance contributes to hydroplaning crashes. Contributing factors include: 

  • Inadequate drainage systems 
  • Poor road grading 
  • Lack of proper warning signs 
  • Failure to address known flooding issues 
  • Delayed repair of damaged road surfaces 
  • Insufficient roadway texture 
  • Improper crown design causing water pooling 

Tire Manufacturers and Retailers 

 Tire-related issues frequently contribute to hydroplaning crashes. Responsible parties might include: 

  • Tire manufacturers for design flaws, such as treads that are too shallow, affecting water displacement 
  • Service centers improperly installing or maintaining tires 
  • Distributors failing to store tires properly 
  • Shops performing inadequate tire inspections 
  • Businesses selling expired tires 
  • Retailers misrepresenting tire capabilities 

Construction Companies 

 Road construction activities sometimes create conditions that increase hydroplaning risks: 

  • Improper water diversion during projects 
  • Failing to post adequate warning signs 
  • Creating unsafe elevation changes 
  • Leaving loose gravel or debris 
  • Poor temporary drainage solutions 
  • Inadequate surface preparation 
  • Improper grading of construction zone 

How Is Liability for a Hydroplaning Crash Determined in Minnesota?

Under Minnesota Law, the chain of events leading up to the crash will be examined, as well as the role each driver played in the resulting hydroplaning crash. Multiple factors will be considered, including: 

  • Driver behavior and speed prior to the crash 
  • The condition of the hydroplaning vehicle’s tires 
  • Road conditions 
  • Actions of other drivers involved 
  • Police reports 
  • Physical evidence from the crash scene 
  • Vehicle damage 
  • Expert opinion of a collision reconstruction specialist 

What if I Am Partially To Blame for a Hydroplaning Crash?

Minnesota lets you recover damages as long as you are less than 51 percent at fault. Your compensation drops by the amount of your fault percentage. If you are 30 percent at fault for a crash resulting in $100,000 in damages, your awarded compensation is $70,000. Multiple liable parties pay their share based on fault level. 

Steps You Can Take To Avoid a Hydroplaning Crash

Driving defensively can help you avoid a hydroplaning car crash, such as by: 

  • Maintaining proper tire pressure 
  • Replacing worn tires promptly 
  • Slowing down in wet conditions 
  • Increasing your vehicle’s following distance 
  • Avoiding swerves, braking or other sudden vehicle movements 
  • Remaining alert for standing water when driving 
  • Checking weather forecasts 
  • Maintaining windshield wipers 

Need Legal Help After a Car Crash? Contact Our Trusted Law Firm in Minneapolis 

Complex liability issues in hydroplaning crashes often require experienced legal representation. Our highly qualified legal team at TSR Injury Law advocates for injured victims every day, including those hurt in car crashes. 

Contact our law firm to discuss your situation and learn about your potential legal options. There is no cost or risk for this meeting. When we represent you, there are also no upfront costs or fees to pay. We only get paid if you do. We fight to get you the full and fair compensation you deserve. 


Call TSR Injury Law to get the results you need.  (612)-TSR-TIME.