Why Leg Pain Following a Minnesota Crash Could Be a Sign of a Leg Injury

man with bandaged leg on couchCar crashes can cause devastating injuries to your legs, ankles and feet. Severe leg injuries can also make it difficult to walk and can often limit your ability to complete everyday tasks, both at home and in the workplace.

If you experience leg pain, instability, numbness or any other unusual symptoms in the hours and days after the collision, it is important to seek medical care right away as you may have suffered from one of the leg injuries detailed below.

TSR Injury Law has helped many victims, including those who suffered leg pain caused by debilitating car crash injuries. Our firm has obtained more than $1 billion for the injured in Minnesota.

The Bloomington-based car accident lawyers at our firm operate on contingency, which means we charge no fees unless we win your case.

Call today to schedule your free consultation: (612) TSR-TIME.

How Your Legs Could Get Injured in a Crash

There are five regions in your legs. Each part works in conjunction with the others to allow you to stand and walk. Damage to even one part can cause significant impairment.

  • Upper legs or thighs –The bone inside the thigh is the femur. There are three hamstrings, five adductors, and four quadriceps. There are also the pectineus and sartorius muscles. While an injury to the femur is the most severe upper leg injury from a car crash, damage to the muscles surrounding it can also be serious. Injury to your adductors could potentially affect your balance, while an injury to the pectineus muscles could affect pelvic stability.
  • Lower legs (calves) – The two bones inside the lower leg are the shin bone, also called the tibia, and the calf bone, also called the fibula. Nerves, muscles and tendons, like the Achilles tendon, connect the lower leg to the ankle and is essential for bearing weight. Any severe damage caused to this region is likely to affect your ability to walk, stand, run and jump.
  • Knees – The largest joints in your body are your knees. Unfortunately, these joints are also the easiest ones to injure. There are many components to the knee, such as the patella, cartilage, menisci, ligaments, 14 bursa and numerous tendons. Damage to any one of these components can be debilitating and make it harder to walk or perform everyday activities.
  • Ankles – The ankle consists of a bone that joins the tibia and fibula in your lower leg. Your medial and lateral ligaments help to keep your ankles stable. A twist, sprain or break in the ankle can have devastating consequences for your mobility.
  • Feet Your feet have numerous bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons all working together to help you maintain balance. Just one broken bone or a strain on a few muscles, ligaments or tendons can make it harder to maintain balance.

Oftentimes, leg injuries are the result of a leg getting pinned between two things in the car, or your leg striking something, such as the steering wheel or under the dashboard. A side-impact collision could also cause the side door to cave in, potentially causing you to strike your knee as well as your upper and lower leg. Leg injuries are particularly common in front-impact collisions.

Pain and Other Symptoms of a Leg Injury From a Car Crash

Crash victims are strongly encouraged to investigate pain and other symptoms in their legs as quickly as possible. Each injury is different, with some victims experiencing vastly different pain than others. While there are some leg injury victims who may be mildly uncomfortable, others may experience throbbing or shooting pain in various regions of their legs.

Leg injury symptoms to watch for include:

  • Burning pain that moves up and down your legs: It is important to seek treatment, especially if the pain is located in your legs that were hurt during the crash.
  • Sharp, throbbing pain, particularly when you put weight on the leg: Not getting treatment right away and continuing to put weight on the injured leg could cause further damage as a fractured bone may start to heal incorrectly causing a greater problem.
  • Instability when standing or walking: If you feel weakness or pain, it could be due to ligament damage, a broken bone in your leg, or even a disc injury in your back.
  • Clicking or popping noises when you move your knee or ankle: This may indicate joint damage.
  • Numbness or feeling of pins and needles: This could indicate you sustained nerve damage in your legs. However, you may also have sustained a back/spinal cord injury that radiates into the legs.
  • Stiffness in your legs: This may indicate muscle strain or more severe joint damage. The initial stiffness from a crash usually dissipates after a few days. Ongoing stiffness may indicate a more severe injury.

If you notice these and other symptoms following the crash, you should go to the hospital right away. Waiting to seek treatment allows the pain to get worse and could also mean a longer recovery. There may also be a greater potential for long-term or chronic symptoms to develop.

How Long Can It Take for Injury Symptoms to Appear?

Most vehicle crash injuries make themselves known immediately. Fractures, blood loss or excruciating pain will obviously be known right away.  However, there are times when symptoms are delayed. For instance, you may experience delayed leg pain after a car crash.

If your leg gets punctured in a crash, you may consider it to be a minor wound and not seek treatment. However, over the next several days and weeks, you could end up with an infection. When infections are left untreated, they can cause damage to nerves and organs. In extreme cases, an untreated infection in your leg may result in amputation.

If you hurt your knee in the crash, it might not seem that bad at first and you may think the pain will go away on its own. However, knee pain could indicate a torn ligament and by continuing to walk around on your leg, you could cause further injury and lengthen your recovery time.

How Do You Know if a Leg Injury is Serious?

If your symptoms do not improve after a day or two, or they get worse, you likely suffered a significant injury. If you experience trouble walking, putting weight on one of your legs, or feel prolonged stiffness, you should seek medical treatment right away.

7 Types of Leg Injuries That Could Happen in a Collision

There are numerous leg injuries that could occur in a car crash. Below, we discuss several of the most serious car crash leg injuries:

  • Fracture of your thigh bone – This is the longest, thickest and strongest bone in your body. It is not going to fracture unless a tremendous amount of force is applied. That is why recovering from a femur fracture often takes so much time, often six months or more. Because of this, doctors often need to perform surgery to repair this type of break and may need to insert a permanent metal rod in the middle of the thigh bone to assist healing.
  • Broken fibula or tibia – Often these injuries happen when part of the leg gets trapped between things in the car, like the floor, steering wheel or dashboard.
  • Damage to your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) – A tearing of your ACL is painful, and victims often cannot put any weight on the injured leg while it heals.
  • Damage to the sciatic nerve – If your spine gets misaligned during the impact, your sciatic nerve can get pinched. If this happens you could experience everything from numbness in your extremities to shooting pain down your leg.
  • Bursitis in the knee – Your knee has cushiony sacs that are called bursae. These sacs act as padding for your muscles, bones and tendons in your knees. If one of these sacs becomes inflamed, you could experience painful swelling in your knee and other problems with the joint.
  • Tear of your meniscus – Twisting of the cartilage in your knee could result in a tear of your meniscus. This can cause stiffness and pain in your knee, particularly when standing or walking. This injury can occur by slamming on the brakes at impact and twisting you leg.
  • Broken feet, ankles or pelvis – There are numerous bones in your feet, ankles and pelvis. Any one of these bones has the potential to break, which can lead to devastating consequences.

Medical Treatment For Leg Injuries After a Car Crash

There are multiple steps involved in treating a leg injury. While each injury is unique, treatment is often similar. For some people, treatment may take longer, based on factors like:

  • Severity of the injury
  • Response to treatment
  • Age
  • Overall health
  • Complications, including complications during surgery, such as an infection

How Are Broken Leg Bones Treated?

A broken bone needs to be set and immobilized to allow it to heal correctly. Immobilization is done through the use of a brace or cast. As discussed above with femur breaks, doctors may need to insert a rod to bring broken bones back together.

Patients may also be prescribed anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling while other patients may require corticosteroid injections.

How are Leg Ligament Injuries Treated?

Ice and elevation of the injured part of the leg, compression with an elastic bandage and limited activity is a typical treatment plan for ligament damage. In some cases, surgery may be needed.

How Are Leg Nerve Injuries Treated?

Treatment for a nerve injury may vary by patient, depending on the severity of the damage. Some of the potential treatment options could include:

  • Decompression of nerves
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Corticosteroids
  • Topical ointments
  • Medications for pain management

Sometimes, doctors may recommend peripheral nerve surgery. This may be accompanied by physical therapy that is meant to improve stability and strength in your leg.

How Do Doctors Treat Injuries to Tendons in Your Legs?

Treatment of this injury is much like treatment for a bone break or ligament injury. Treatment may include:

  • Cold compression of the area
  • Pain medication
  • Rest and limited activity
  • Putting a brace on the area
  • Using a cast to immobilize the area
  • Performing surgery to fix damage to the tendon

Contact TSR Injury Law After a Minnesota Car Crash

Those who suffered leg injuries or any other serious injury in a car crash need experienced legal assistance.

The insurance company is going to fight hard to avoid paying you fair compensation, even though you have a debilitating injury. An experienced attorney helps to level the playing field, as he or she knows how to compile strong evidence and build a strong argument.

TSR Injury Law has been helping the injured in Minnesota since 1998 and we have a track record of success. Our services also come with no upfront fees.

We are ready to take your call: (612) TSR-TIME.

Is There a Higher Risk of Pedestrian Car Crashes During the Winter Months?

snowy day with pedestrians walkingWhile the temperature drops, the risk of a pedestrian car crashes rises. There are many reasons for this, primarily the fact that the days are shorter, and nights are longer. With winter weather making it harder for drivers to see pedestrians, and pedestrians distracted by the snowy and icy ground, this has the potential to create a recipe for disaster.

Below, we discuss why pedestrians may be at higher risk for a collision with a car during the winter months. We also discuss what victims of these crashes should know about when seeking compensation for damages.

TSR Injury Law has been helping victims of crashes in Minnesota recover compensation for decades. Our firm has obtained more than $1 billion in compensation for injured victims in Minneapolis and throughout the state.

The initial legal consultation is free and there is no obligation for you to hire our firm. There are no upfront fees if a Minneapolis auto accident lawyer takes your case. We do not get paid unless you receive compensation.

Why Pedestrians May Be in More Danger in the Winter

Winter can be a dangerous time to be out on the roads and sidewalks if you’re not aware of your surroundings. The weather, including the low temperature, limited visibility and poor ground conditions makes things much more hazardous.

These are some of the main reasons why winter is a dangerous time to be a pedestrian:

  • Weather reduces visibility for drivers and pedestrians – Weather events like snow, rain or fog can make it harder for people to see clearly. Precipitation, such as snow or rain, often makes it look darker outside. Even with windshield wipers and other vehicle safety features working as intended, drivers are often working with limited visibility. It’s also good to keep in mind that many pedestrians out in the cold may be wearing hoods which can limit their peripheral vision, making it harder to see oncoming vehicles.
  • People tend to drive too fast, even in bad weather – People with all-wheel drive, especially, tend to think they can still drive faster in bad weather. While winter tires and all-wheel drive helps, driving at fast speeds in bad conditions will make drivers just as susceptible to a crash. Unfortunately, when people are in a hurry, they tend to lose focus on their surroundings, potentially creating a dangerous environment.
  • It is harder for pedestrians to escape danger– Whether it’s raining or snowing, or there’s simply ice on the walkways, pedestrians have a much more difficult time dodging incoming danger. Sometimes sidewalks and other walkways are cleared of ice and snow, but oftentimes they are not. This can force some pedestrians to walk in the street, in the snowbank, or dangerously close to the curb. Finding yourself in these scenarios, even briefly, greatly increases the risk of getting hit by a car.
  • Drivers and pedestrians are often distracted – Despite bad weather, drivers still text while they are behind the wheel. They may also get distracted by changing the radio station, talking with passengers or adjusting the setting on the heater. However, drivers are not alone, as pedestrians may also be heavily distracted, often times rarely looking up from their phone. When you combine distractions with winter weather, a crash between a car and a pedestrian is even more likely.

Why the Risk Goes Up at Night

In the winter, days are shorter, and nights are longer. That means more pedestrians will be walking closer to dusk and dawn when there’s less visibility. Darkness also impairs your depth perception, making it harder for drivers to judge distances.

Another factor at night is that there are more drunk drivers on the road. If you are walking near the road at night, you need to be extra careful and do your best to stay on sidewalks and other designated walking areas.

Some streets have more streetlights than others. Unfortunately, many drivers do not exercise more caution in areas with few or no streetlights. Pedestrians may assume drivers will be cautious in these areas, but this is a dangerous assumption.

Liability for a Pedestrian vs. Car Crash in Winter

Drivers and pedestrians have an obligation to follow relevant laws and use caution to help prevent a crash. If either party fails to uphold their obligation, they could be held liable for damages that may result.

However, drivers are often the ones held liable for pedestrian collisions. That is because drivers are often better able to prevent crashes. As motor vehicle operators, they are the most likely to be liable for injuries and damages.

Your lawyer is going to need to evaluate the driver’s actions leading up to the crash. Was he or she engaged in some sort of negligent behavior, such as:

  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk driving
  • Driving through a crosswalk
  • Running a red light

Pedestrians can also be held liable for a crash in winter weather, such as if they darted out into the street, and a driver did not have any time to prevent a crash.

If you or your loved one was hit by a car as a pedestrian, you may be eligible to seek compensation. Contact TSR Injury Law to discuss what happened and find out how we may be able to assist you.

Tips on Pedestrian Safety in the Wintertime

There are practical steps pedestrians can take to help reduce their risk of a crash during the wintertime. For example, when possible, wear bright-colored clothing and reflective gear to make yourself more visible to drivers. Also, be sure to wear shoes that will give you plenty of traction on snow or ice to prevent you from losing your footing.

While drivers should operate their vehicles defensively, pedestrians should aim to do the same. This means not assuming drivers are going to use the appropriate amount of caution or avoid distractions. Assuming drivers can see you or will be able to stop in time can also lead to dangerous circumstances.

As always, before crossing the street, be sure to look left, right, and then look left again. Even though you have the right of way in a designated crosswalk, you cannot assume drivers will stay out of the crosswalk or heed to pedestrians.

Contact Us to Guide You Through the Legal Process

If you need help after being injured by a negligent driver, give us a call today. Our experienced lawyers are available to discuss how we may be able to assist you during this difficult time.

Our services come with no upfront fees or obligations, and we have a proven track record.

Unsure if you have a case? Call today to learn more: (612) TSR-TIME.

How a Car Crash Could Cause Victims to Suffer Burn Injuries

putting bandages on burn injuryThere are many injuries that are more likely to happen in a car crash other than a burn injury. However, when a burn injury occurs, it could be severe and require extensive medical care.

Crash victims who suffered burn injuries should strongly consider seeking help from an experienced attorney. Talking to a licensed Bloomington car accident lawyer can be an important part of the recovery process. The insurance company may try to deny or underpay your claim. Unless you have an experienced attorney representing you, it may be quite difficult to secure the compensation you need.

At TSR Injury Law, we have secured compensation for a variety of car crash injuries. We know how to build a strong case and manage each step of the legal process. Our services do not come with any upfront cost. The initial legal consultation is also free.

Need legal help? Contact TSR Injury Law: (612) TSR-TIME.

Seeking Compensation After a Burn Injury

If you were burned in a car crash, immediate medical treatment is the most important thing. Immediate treatment could be vital in preventing an infection and can lessen permanent disfigurement. In some cases, immediate treatment may also shorten your recovery time.

Immediate treatment also helps to link your injuries to the car crash. If you went right to the hospital from the scene, it is harder to argue your injuries were not caused by the crash.

Burn injuries could result in long-term nerve damage, may require extensive future plastic surgery expenses and are often hard to evaluate by insurance companies. This is particularly true when victims seek compensation on their own.  It is helpful to have prior cases with similar just verdicts or settlements to help an insurance company understand the true value of these injuries.

Reasons for Car Crash Burn Injuries

There are various reasons why a car crash could cause burn injuries. Some of the injuries suffered may include thermal, electrical or inhalation burns.

Airbag Burns

When the airbags deploy occupants could burn their faces or arms. When an airbag deploys, you might breathe in harmful chemicals.

Fire or Explosion

In a severe car crash, there could be a fire or even an explosion on impact. Even if vehicle occupants do not come into direct contact with the flames, they could suffer burns.

A fire or explosion can release smoke and fumes from toxic chemicals that vehicle occupants could breathe in. This could result in inhalation burns.

Damaged Wiring

It may also be possible to suffer electrical burns from damaged wiring in a vehicle or from downed utility poles.

One of the reasons why some crash victims suffer severe burns is because they get trapped in their vehicles. They may also have body parts contact fire or excessive heat while trying to get out of their vehicles.

Severity of Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are categorized by degree. First-degree burns are the least severe and fourth-degree burns are the most severe.

  • First-degree burns – These only affect the outer layer of skin and are sometimes called superficial burns. The site of the burn is often red. The skin may also become dry and start to peel as the burn heals. It usually takes just seven to 10 days for a first-degree burn to heal. Although these burns often heal on their own, you should see a doctor if the burn affects more than three inches of skin and if the burn is on a major joint (knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow).
  • Second-degree burns – These burns go beyond the top layer of skin and cause blistering. The site of the burn may be extremely sore. The more severe the burn the longer it will take to heal. In some cases, victims may need skin grafts to repair the damage.
  • Third-degree burns – These burns go through all the layers of the skin. The burn damages the skin, causing it to become charred and leathery. Despite the seriousness of the injury, it might not be painful because the burn may have damaged nerves.
  • Fourth-degree burns – A fourth-degree burn goes through the skin and tissue below that, potentially reaching the muscle and bone. Victims lose feeling in the area because the nerve endings got destroyed.

Complications From a Burn Injury

One of the main reasons burn injuries can be so severe is that victims could suffer a variety of complications that make recovery much more difficult. For example, you could suffer an infection. If bacteria from an infection enters the bloodstream it could cause sepsis, which could be fatal.

Sometimes burns that cover a large amount of skin can impair the body’s ability to regulate temperature. This can result in hypothermia.

Fourth-degree burns could cause muscles and/or tendons to shrink and tighten up, which can impair mobility in the air.

Victims need to seek treatment right away and keep up with it so doctors have the best chance to prevent infections and other complications that could potentially threaten the victim’s life. Surgery is often necessary to help prevent permanent scarring and contracture from a third or fourth-degree burn.

Contact TSR Injury Law to Discuss a Vehicle Crash Claim

Have you been injured in a vehicle crash caused by negligence?

You should consider seeking help from an experienced attorney. If you are not represented by an experienced attorney, the insurance company may be less likely to offer you full compensation.

Free initial consultation to discuss your crash. Call (612) TSR-TIME.

Liability for Car Crashes That Happen in Low Visibility Conditions

driver on road in the snowWinter weather can make it harder for drivers to see the vehicles around them. This means drivers may have much less time to slow down or change lanes to avoid a collision with another vehicle or fixed object. That is why drivers have an obligation to take extra precautions to avoid crashes in these conditions.

If drivers do not take extra precautions in low visibility conditions, they could be held liable for damages if a crash occurs. That said, determining liability for these crashes can be a challenge. The drivers involved may not know much about what happened because the weather conditions made it harder for them to see.

Victims of collisions in low visibility conditions should consider talking to an experienced Minneapolis auto accident attorney about possible legal options. At our firm, the initial legal consultation is free of charge, and there are no upfront fees before taking your case.

TSR Injury Law is ready to assist you. Call us today: (612) TSR-TIME.

Weather Conditions That May Impair Drivers’ Visibility

There are a variety of weather conditions that can make it harder for drivers to see, such as:

  • Sleet
  • Hail

Driving in these conditions is much more dangerous at night, as it is going to be even harder to see through snow or precipitation without daylight to help you. Some roads have fewer streetlights than others, and some have no streetlights at all. When you combine poor/low lighting with bad weather conditions, a crash may be much more likely to occur.

In the summertime, glare from the sun can also impair visibility. This is more likely to happen when the sun is rising or setting, and you are driving toward the rising or setting sun.

Other Conditions That Can Obstruct Visibility

Weather is not the only thing that can make it harder to see around your vehicle when you are driving. For example, if you are trying to turn left across two lanes of traffic but there is a hill in front of you, it may be impossible to see oncoming cars.

Road construction could also impair drivers’ visibility. Some lanes may be blocked off and it can be difficult to follow the directions from construction workers or signs. This is why it is important to slow down in construction zones, so you have enough time to avoid a collision.

When turning out of a parking lot or shopping center, there may be trees, bushes and other landscaping obscuring your view of the road. For instance, a long line of bushes could limit how far you can see to your left when you are waiting to make a right turn.

How Impaired Visibility Can Make It Harder to Assess Fault

Many car crash cases boil down to the two drivers’ accounts of the incident. In a third-party liability insurance claim, the victim is going to need to prove the other driver’s negligence caused the collision and resulting injuries.

However, proving what happened can be challenging because both drivers may have had impaired visibility. They may also have limited information about what occurred.

Liability for Low Visibility Crashes

One of the key questions after a crash in low visibility conditions is whether the other driver took extra precautions to avoid a collision. For example, even if the other driver was obeying the speed limit, he or she may have been negligent because it may have been necessary to drive below the speed limit.

It is also reasonable to expect drivers who are in impaired visibility conditions to leave more space in front of their vehicles to avoid a rear-end collision.

Even if it is daytime, drivers may have an obligation to drive with their lights on when there is bad weather that impairs visibility. Failure to do so could cause a driver to be held liable for damages from a crash.

Sometimes a crash occurs because drivers did not properly maintain their vehicles. Their windshield wipers may have been too old to properly clear the rain or snow away. This can make a crash much more likely to occur, particularly when the weather is already impairing visibility.

Old tires are more likely to lose traction in bad weather. If this happens, the driver of that vehicle is likely to be held liable for a collision. This is because drivers are responsible for properly maintaining their cars.

Drivers have no control over the weather, but they cannot blame the weather for a crash.

What if There was Bad Lighting?

If the crash happened on a dark roadway with few or no streetlights, it may be possible to hold a government entity liable for maintaining a dangerous road. However, the question may also be whether the driver could have done more to avoid the collision. For example, if the driver had turned on his bright headlights, the crash may have been avoided.

Victims of collisions in low visibility conditions should consider seeking help from an experienced lawyer. At TSR Injury Law, we have the experience and resources to investigate these crashes and build strong cases. Like you, our goal is to secure full compensation for your damages.

Call TSR Injury Law After a Vehicle Crash

If you need insurance compensation after a crash, talking to an experienced lawyer can be an important step. Insurance companies are trying to find some way to deny your claim or offer a reduced amount of compensation to make you go away.

We have been taking on insurance companies for many years and we have helped many crash victims obtain the compensation they need.

Licensed Attorneys. No upfront fees. Contact us at (612) TSR-TIME.

TSR Helps Raise Money for We Push for Peace CDL Training Program for At-Risk Youth

nate bjerke at fundraiserOur firm participated in and donated to a community fundraiser for a non-profit called We Push for Peace on Monday night. The organization is raising money for its CDL program, which provides free training for at-risk young people to help them earn a Commercial Driver’s License. Donations help the organization purchase trucks, pay instructors, and rent space for equipment for practice and training.

We Push for Peace was started by Trahern Pollard to advocate for and be a resource to those in the inner city, including local businesses and youth. The organization owns and operates Xavier’s Employment and Training, which serves underprivileged youth between 16 and 24 years old.

We Push for Peace also provides:

  • Mental health assessments and resources
  • Employment assistance, including resume development, mock interviews and job placement
  • Pre-employment training
  • Victims of violence support groups
  • Financial education
  • Home buying classes